Referral T&C

Campaign Content Terms

  1. A referral reward will be processed only when the referred user has completed the actions defined as part of the referral program. (Eg. Reference shared by customer will only be counted for bonus reward points after the successful closure of transactions with merchant), hence a confirmed reward redemption in case of reward points transactions and a confirmed cinering transaction in case of offline store payment

  2. The ticket purchase using a referral coupon code are non-refundable. If a user refunds these vouchers, the reward will be considered invalid

  3. The referral reward will only be processed when the purchased ticket reward points are redeemed at an offline store.

  4. The offer is valid after app installation . The users who refer will get their reward through an app notification within 48 hours of the referred user’s successful action completion.

  5. The referring user will get the benefit as per the referral reward they are eligible for once the referred user completes their first transaction.

  6. These reward points are valid for 1 year from the day of reward points is credited.

  7. Referral reward points are user-specific and cannot be used on any other account

  8. You will get a referral reward for a maximum of 150 reward points.

  9. A referral reward will not be issued if the person you refer to has already signed up using the same device.

Cinering reserves the right to

  • Referral program you are a part of can be modify at any given time without prior notice.
  • Refuse referral reward in case of suspicious activity by a referred or referring user.
  • Any Suspicious activity found on cinering app we can suspend and it will not eligible for reward point.